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Which Clutch Kit do I need?  We design our clutch kits to match your style of riding!

Sport Utility Kit
Our most popular, best all around use kit
Great for trail riding, occasional mud and sand riding, plowing and hauling
Makes up for the power loss and slow response of adding oversized tires
Better low end and midrange acceleration
Quicker backshift which results in crisp throttle response
Reduces belt slip and heat
Kits designed for stock or oversized tires

Mudder  Kit
Designed for mud riding with aggressive lug tires
Helps restore power loss due to addition of mud tires
Better low end power and torque to get tires turning in the mud
Quicker backshift which results in crisp throttle response
Reduced belt slip and clutch heat

Sand Dune Kit
Designed and tested specifically for sand dune applications
Different kits for stock and paddle tires
Helps hold peak power RPM when dune riding and climbing hills
Better low end power and torque
Quicker backshift which results in crisp throttle response
Reduces belt slip and clutch heat

Pro Series
The Ultimate Clutch Calibration Kit!
Allows you to fine tune your CVT to match your particular machine modifications and riding style
Tune for different tire sizes and styles
Each kit is custom designed and comes with a set of EPI adjustable weights, a variety of clutch springs, a custom cut helix (some models)  
Complete tuning instructions included

RPM Lowering Kit
Lowers the operating rpms to make for a more enjoyable ride.  
A quick and inexpensive fix by switching out the weights in the clutch. 
Available in solid weight or an adjustable weight for your own tuning options.

Solid weight kits are fine tuned and designed for the tire size and elevation that you ride at.
Adjustable weight kits allow you adjust for your personal liking and allows for changes in elevation and types of riding.
*Note that there is a trade off in performance, your machine will run lower rpms but will lose some of the throttle response.



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